Friday, 14 February 2025

350th Volunteer - Extract from Rouken glen parkrun page

 Recently I did my 350th Volunteer at Rouken Glen, and event director Stephen did a very nice piece on it along with some of the DofE volunteers for the webpage

Here's my bit:

Now on to our very big milestone achievement from today. Stuart McBeath achieved is 350th volunteering milestone this week. Which I'm sure you'll all agree is a very impressive figure, even more so when you consider that the 350 covers 482 roles as he will do multiple roles any given week.

Now, you all are pretty much guaranteed to know Stuart's face as he is our tail walker every single week, in fact I wasn't actually able to find a picture of Stuart on my phone that doesn't have him in orange hi-vis. But that's not the full story. Stuart started volunteering back in July 2009 at Pollok as Finish Token Support and became a fairly regular volunteer at Pollok for the following 8 years with the odd stint at Strathclyde. But in 2017 Stuart started volunteering at Rouken Glen Juniors mainly sticking to Marshalling, Funnel Managing, Number Checking and of course Tail Walking. This lasted for about a year or so and then Stuart's volunteering at Rouken Glen follows a similar pattern Tail walking, Equipment Storage and Delivery (the AED from the vets when we used to share) and coming back to the cafe for Token Sorting.

I should of course point out that that is just with us, Stuart still volunteers on a Saturday at the 5km events like Queens, Pollok, Tollcross, Strathclyde, Victoria park, Elder park, Drumchapel and even up in Inverness.

Actually travelling (or parkrun tourism as it is known ðŸ™‚ ) is something Stuart is very adept at. Stuart has completed every Scottish 5km parkrun event, and has 360 parkruns at 83 locations under his belt, which includes the brand new one Skinadin up in Skye which he ran at their 12th event in October this year. If you want to know anything about parkruns, Stuart is definitely the man to ask.

But to you Stuart will be the tailwalker, the one who makes sure no one gets left behind, supports our slower attendees, and also lets the marshals know their stint is over so they can head back to the finish area to hand in their Hi Vis until next time.