I have been on a high from Alloa all week. I still look at my time in disbelief.
Monday my joints were a bit sore on Monday so I decided to take a rest day. On Tuesday at work, the bit above my ankle started to hurt. It wasn't sore to walk on but i could feel it when i moved my ankle about. I was planning on doing the Merrys one of my favourite sessions. But after 2 merry hills, I was still feeling the effects of Alloa and my ankle. So I spent the night icing it.
On Wednesday the niggle was still there so, I took the night off and again ice all the way. I tried to do a circuit session but when I started doing press ups my shoulder got really sore. Week 13 syndrome! lol
Thursday all pain from everywhere had gone which was a relief and meant I could get back to running. Tonights session was one I was looking forward to for ages as I have never done it and I really enjoy the longer sessions at the club. So it was 3 times 2 mile reps although the reps are just short of 2 miles (1.93, 1.95 then 1.85). They do this all in a big massive 8.5 mile loop with 1/2 mile rest between reps. The first rep I decided with all the rest I have had to try and stay with the front of my group, it was a good turnout tonight and must have been more than 10 in the group. So I kept up with Sheila, Jo and Colin for the first mile which was 1/2 mile down then half mile up. Then the next mile was all down hill so they stretched out a bit in front but I wasn't too far back. For the second rep it was pretty flat, Colin bombed off in this one while the rest of the group stayed pretty close. The 3 rd rep I decided to go to the back of the group for the first mile as I wanted to save myself for the final uphill mile. The group was pretty tight again apart from Colin who again went ahead. I actually joked that he should catch up with the next group up as he seemed to be flying tonight. But just as the uphill started I realised that the others were falling behind and it was just Steven and myself. Then we started catching Colin fast as he looked as if he just blew up. So myself and Steven overtook him and were running side by side for the last half a mile or so but he let me go just before the finish. It really was a great effort all round as it was a beast of a session and it was nice of the group above to hang about at the finish to the final rep so we all congratulated each other. When I got home I had a look at my stats and I managed to run each rep at 6.52/6.53 pace! It is amazing to do a session that long and do reps so closely paced, I was well chuffed.
Friday I deservedly had a rest day. Then Saturday I decided to take a week off from Park run and have another rest day in preparation for my last long, long run on the Sunday.
Now this might sound stupid, but I read it somewhere and decided to give it a go. Basically instead of carbo loading before Sunday. The idea is to avoid carbs so your body is carb depleted which replicates what it will be like at the end of a marathon. So on Friday and Saturday I basically ate junk food!
So Sunday I got up in time for the club session despite the clocks going forward. Instead of the easy 2 miles to the club I just drove today. There wasn't as many as usual in our group today but Sheila, Dave, Derek, Gordon and Colin made it so there was still six. The first 3 miles I found tough and was wondering how far I would make it today. I was running at this point with Colin who was also struggling as he did the Nigel Barge 10K yesterday. Once we got to Waterfoot and turned left up the hill, Colin said to me to go on ahead as he just wanted to run at his own pace. I don't like leaving people behind but wanted to get a good run in and he wasn't bothered so I just went on with the rest of the guys. It was a nice hilly run up round Thorntonhall and the stiffness had disapperaed and I was running well. I was a bit concerned when the guys would up it back to the club, but they didn't until the last half mile and I just let them go. I forgot to charge my garmin which I have become so relient on. But luckily one of the other guys had one and informed me we had done 11.6 miles in 1 hour 43 minutes, so a good solid run at a good pace. I had a quick pitstop and tried to work out what I needed to do to make up the mileage as I was hoping to get between 20 and 22 but from now on in it would be guesswork. So I headed up the Ayr Road for 45 minutes and reached just after where the M77 crosses over. When I turned back I started struggling big time. By this time (although not knowing it at the time) I was 18 miles into the run and I had about 3 walk breaks which got shorter each time. After 19.5 miles i got myself together and started singing to myself repetively 'get to the next lampost' then 'get to the next bus stop' or whatever it was and it worked I didn't stop for the next mile and a half to the club!

I remember when I use to feel embarassed having walk breaks when out running but now I realise there is no shame in it especially with the distance I am covering. I am also pleased with how I recovered from it and managed the 21 miles.
So although the week started badly it got better and although I wanted to get more miles in, it was defenitley the better idea to err on the side of caution and still manage 33 miles. Whether the carb depleting work, I will find out on race day. But its definetley something I would only do once per marathon training schedule.
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