Photo by someone who knows Chris Upson
This going to be the shortest post for a while because of the hill race in midweek.
On Monday I just did a leisurely 4 miles which felt good considering the previous Saturday's long run. Tuesday I was tempted to go out but decided against it because of the hill race the next night. I knew that I would need all the energy I could muster so resting was really the sensible option. Wednesday, deservedly had a post of its own and I'm still buzzing from it. There was quite a difference of opinion about the race amongst fellow club members. Some vowed never again while others are either already converted or are now. I actually enjoyed it so much I am trying to throw in other hill races. Cort ma law is this Wednesday but again I have put the sensible hat on and am going to miss it as a very long run is planned for next Saturday. The thing is as well, hill races are so easy to enter! You just turn up! Red Moss Revolution is another tempter as it is handy for me to get to and is later in the month so may do that.
Anyway, Thursday was a good day for another reason I have been converted to the hills. I felt pain in my legs! For the last few months training has been going so well that I have been recovering overnight. But because of using slightly different muscles and pounding more, I got that happy pain feeling. Ok maybe I'm just weird :-)
Anyway Thursday night I still went to the club and after the mile and a half warm up my legs had loosened up and was ready to go. We were doing the Roukenglen 10 route tonight. I was kind of stuck in the middle tonight. The A and B groups were away and everyone else was taking it easy as quite a few were doing the 10k on Sunday. But I managed to get one of the new guys Paul to go along at a steady pace. Once we reached half way though it was clear he was suffering and had a stitch. I was trying to get him to run though it but turns out he had a fish supper before he came out so lesson learned! So we took it easy till Whitecraigs train station. I was feeling great and my legs were litrally begging me to go fast. So I said to Paul to go straight down the road and I would take the long way round and meet him at the Eastwood toll. It was great to bash out a few fast miles as it doesn't feel like a Thursday session unless you speed it at some point.
Friday res... nope not this Friday. One of the guys fancied starting doing jogs on Friday lunch times, so I took my stuff in only to find a text saying he injured his leg. But it was such a nice day I did a quick 1.5 mile run round the office which is so nice as its got its own cross country track! It is awesome.
Saturday I went to the Park run with my bro and just went round with him at the pace he wanted. Didn't even look at the watch in the end and the way he started sprinting down the hill at the end maybe he paced it a bit too well! As last time he did it he went out so fast he was nearly walking down the same hill. He'll get it right eventually, it is on every week after all.
Photo by Shirley Tulloch
On Sunday I was planning a long run but I started running to the Roukenglen 10k and my legs felt like rubbish. So I just did 3 miles there and 3 miles back. The actual event went really well as Giffnock not only put on the event so there was tonnes of people I knew. They also had winners in the 5k for both men and women completely dominating the podiums. Then in the 10k, Luke Traynor from Giffnock won the race with Graeme Croll also from Giffnock third. My duties during the 5k was to shout out the numbers on the vests of the finishers and in the 10k I was marshalling the Deaconsbank golf club entrance which was interesting to say the least as some drivers were more patient than others!
Ok so maybe it wasn't such a short post :-)
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