Sunday 13 June 2010

A wee jaunt down the west highland way


This was Steven from my clubs big day which he has been planning for months. His fiftieth birthday is this month so to celebrate he wanted to run around 50 miles from Fort William southwards. I have been training with Steven and planned on running with him for 35 miles as I didn't want to go further than the Clyde Stride route next month which is 40 miles. That is until one of my fellow club members Jim put this on the Giffnock North messaage board on the Thursday before the run:

"Only slight disappointment is that young Stuart is only going to accompany him for a mere 35 miles. Come on Stuart,surely if the old buffer can do the whole thing you can manage it as well!"

So that put a whole different idea in my mind, both a competitive one and the thought that it might actually be a good idea to go for more than 40 as it would be a big boost ahead of Clyde Stride knowing I could do the distance. So I decided I would see how I was at Bridge of Orchy and take it from there.

Friday night

On Friday night I headed up to Bridge of Orchy where we stayed in a bunkhouse which was hired out by the club for the weekend. Giffnock do this every year and use it as a base to go hill walking or running. So it was an ideal weekend for Steven to choose for the run.


We got up on Saturday morning at 5.45am and headed up to Fort William for 6.45am. Steven's brother Andy drove us up and would act as our support crew for the day which we really could not thank him enough. He would drive to points along the route which meant we only had to carry what we needed for each section and also store spare clothes.

Fort William to Lundavra

It may sound weird starting from Fort William and not doing the traditional south to north route, but since we weren't doing the whole WHW and Bridge of Orchy was our base it made sense. After a mile running up the road to Glen Nevis, the path turned right up the hill which meant a lot of walking but there were a few stretches of running through the forest which was so much fun. We ate something every half an hour. To start off with I had half a sandwich while Steven was using gels. When we reached Andy at Lundavra he was chatting away to the Caledonian challenge volunteers while we got new water and supplies and had a banana.

Lundavra to Kinlochleven

I like this stretch as you just feel like you are so far removed from civilisation. You go along a forest track which is in the middle of a valley with a river for company. After about 5 miles along this stretch, we started meeting the first of the WHW walkers coming the other way and one topic was first on the agenda: 'Are you doing the Caledonion Challenge?', 'Well done you're first!'. Steven and I had a difference of opinion on how to reply to this but both were a good laugh. I would be the honest one and say 'We're just doing this for a laugh', while Steven couldn't be bothered explaining and just thanked them. But I drew the line when it came to the volunteers and made sure they were aware that we weren't in 'the race'. I put race in inverted commas because I really don't see it as a race. I see it as a charity event as it is predominantly walkers. I know there is army guys and others who run it but at the end of the day getting money to the charity is the main aim. Unlike things like Devil o'highlands and Highland fling which are races on the west highland way where the aim is more for a time or winning. So basically even if I was doing the Cally challenge i wouldn't see us as being in first place, I see it as pushing ourselves and raising money for a good cause. Anyway so we got to Kinlochleven, the volunteers were trying to get us to go into the entrance to the Ice factor where the checkpoint was, so I explained.

Kinlochleven to Kingshouse

The climb up out of Kinlochleven is hard! It is the longest and highest ascent on the WHW from either direction. As I was getting towards the top my calves were burning but we made it and were rewarded with a brilliant downhill down the Devil's staircase. Half way down there were photographers with well fancy cameras about to take our photos. I knew they were there for the challenge so I waved to say 'Not in it', so we chatted for a bit and we were telling them what we were doing and took our photos anyway! We got to Kingshouse and were making good time. So again reloaded. It was getting a bit breazy so I changed into my long sleave top.

Kingshouse to Inveronan

I have never been over Rannoch Moor before but it sure won't be the last time I do it. Again you just feel like your in the middle of the wilderness. The climb out of Glencoe ski centre we walked all of it. Which meant when we got to the top we were charged up and ran loads on the down hill stretch to Inveronan. Andy met us on the bridge just before Inveronan and we made sure to have extra drinks as it was a long stretch over Rannoch Moor and it was heating up. So I changed into my vest and had another banana.

Inveronan to Bridge of Orchy

We decided to walk to the bottom of the hill and over it at Inveronan as we were ahead of schedule and we were meeting Steven's partner Jacqui in Bridge of Orchy. When we got to the top of the hill we could see Jacqui's train leaving the station. So we made out way down to Bridge of Orchy. We knew Andy was going to pick up Jacqui from the station take her and her stuff to the bunk house then join us till the end. The thing was because we were so early Jacqui still had to get sorted out and because we didn't have phones on us we weren't sure where they were. So we headed up to the hotel just in case and they weren't there. So Steven headed down to the bunkhouse which is at least a mile. Where he met them and he came back with Jacqui already to go. The thing was having hung about for about half an hour, Steven and I were raring to go again and Steven managed to forget his water! From my point of view here, there was never a moment were I even contemplated stopping here as I felt totally fine. I had been eating and drinking well and felt I could run whenever I wanted to .

Bridge of Orchy to Tyndrum

So it was good to have Jacqui on board as we walked up out of Bridge of Orchy. We ran for quite a while down the hill as we knew there was a long climb back up the other side. Steven was struggling a wee bit here but battled through it as we shared the water amongst us. By the time we were approaching Tyndrum he was fine again as this is where we met up with Steven's family who were joining us for the final stretch. We had our traditional ice cream which tasted so good as usual then headed off.

Tyndrum to the end

With a big group the pace is always going to vary greatly especially as most of Steven's family are not runners. However everyone gave it everything they had, while some went on ahead others pushed on behind. So we were walking bits, waiting, running a bit, walking etc. The advantage of finishing along this stretch is that Andy could pick up any of the kids who were struggling and take them to the end point. For the first time in the run I was going through a bad patch as shin splints started in my right shin. I knew it wasn't far so just ignored the pain and battled on. As we headed along past the Caledonion challenge tent a few of the kids took the opportunity to practice their moment of glory of running through the finish which was funny. While Steven and myself pushed on for our finish round the corner at the bridge which was a special moment for Steven with all his family there. As we congratulated each other and took a few pictures it was in to the river to cool off the legs. ahhhhhhhhhhhh.

We were just short of 50 miles in the end but at the end of the day, finishing the other side of Crainlarich was not an option for safety reasons and the big climb up for the others. I can totally understand why he chose the finish he did as it just wouldn't have been the same otherwise.


We headed back to Tyndrum for drinks and watched the start of the England game. Then headed back to the bunkhouse armed with fish suppers. The rest of the gang was there who went hill walking for the day and we had a lot of fun/laughes into the night.

What an amazing day: great company, great route, great support, great scenery, great weather....

Video here:

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