Good weeks training this week. On Tuesday did my first ever Fartlek. Did 1 mile warm up then a 4 mile fartlek where i basically speeded up for all the hills, took it easy on the downs. Then reasonable pace on the flats followed by a one mile warm down.
Wednesday night was an easy 6 miles then Thursday was one of my best training runs ever. A hilly steady 5 miler in 39.54! so was very pleasing! :-)
On Saturday I ran to the park run 5k in Pollock Park and back for an easy 4 miles total. I volnteered again where I was helping registering the results of all the runners. Despite some technical difficulties with one of the laptops, it was good fun and good opportunity to meet runners. Also well impressed with my brother who got a new PB of 26.36 beating his previous best by nearly a minute!
Then on to Sunday's long run! The first 3 miles were not good as I really felt my right leg was going to get injured at the top of my leg, but managed stick it out and it got better after that so managed the 15 miles planned. So another good week in the bag :-)
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