On the Monday which is usually circuits or a rest day. I was feeling surprisinly good after my 17 miler on the Sunday. So I decided to do a 10k and take it easy. Which I did until the last 2 miles where I was feeling fine so upped the pace and ended up doing it in just over 54 minutes.
Tuesday was easily the toughest Tuesday session I have ever done. I decided to do a hilly tempo run with the Falkirk Cross country in mind as its meant to be pretty tough. I was back at the Merries where the most I had done before was 2 times 2.9 loops with 6 hills per loop. This time I decided to start off with a Merries loop plus an extension to include 3 more hills plus an extra Merry because I was running back to the one I would usually use to loop back round. So the first loop was 5.5 miles with 10 hills which I did in 46 minutes about 8.30 pace. Then I did the usual Merry loop of 6 hills in my fastest time ever 23.23, which is 8.08 pace. I was really pleased with the session and ended up doing 10.5 miles including warm up/down.
On Wednesday my legs were a bit stiff, so I just did an easy 10k coming in just under the hour mark. Then Thursday. If there is one session which is not designed for me its the fartlek, as I just don't do that much real speadwork. But tonight I suprised myself. After the mile and half warm up where I was chatting to a guy just saying how I'd hope to just hang on to the group tonight. The session was 30sec on/30sec off 4 times, then a minute on/minute off 4 times, then 1 minute and half on 1.30 off, then back to a minute times 4, then 30 seconds time 4. We do a big loop for this which is about 5 miles, last time I did this session I think we did about 4. After the 30s the timer guy was struggling a bit so we needed a new person to do the time. Which ended up being me! I can see why people don't want to do the time as it ruins your stride when your trying to go all out, having to keep checking your watch. But I seemed to cope ok, as for most of the session somehow I was at the front of the group. Until we got to the last few 30s and everyone turned up the gas a lot! I did 5.28 mile pace for the last one and still there was many people in front of me! But for most of the session we were between 6 minute and 6.20 pace. And we only had a short walk to where we started this time! Must have done about 3/4 mile more which is pretty impressive. As soon as I got home though I was feeling sick and dizzy and true sign that I really pushed myself!
Friday, thank goodness was my day off. Saturday I just did and easy 3 mile in the morning. I say easy but really I found it tough because my legs were still sore from Friday! In the afternoon I ventured off to Edinburgh to watch the Carnethy 5 hill race which I want to do at some point along with the Pentland Skyline. I decided to park at Castlelaw as anything around Penicuik would be mobbed as Carnethy 5 is the biggest hill race in Scotland in terms of numbers and its also seen as one of the most prestigious behind Ben Nevis, attracting the top hill runners in the country. I made my way down to the bottom of Turnhouse hill and climbed up it. From there I descended a bit and took position on top of Carnethy Hill. Unknown to me at the time with all the ups and downs, I actually ended up climbing 2,900 feet which is just short of a munro!
Views from Carnethy hill taken from my phone:

I didn't actually realise it at the time, but I had just done what looks like the toughest and longest ascent in the Pentlands skyline race. It was great chatting to random folk and to watch the start, the runners climbing up Scald Law, out of view the 3 other peaks and then seeing them running up and around the summit of Carnethy hill. Although its 9km, it has ascent of 750m making the going very tough. No suprises of who won; Rob Jebb came in, in 48 minutes and now has back to back victories and is his 5th Carnethy victory overall. He does seem to be the Michael Schumacher of the hill running world right now. Although an Englishman came first, the Scots filled 2nd, 3rd and 4th. With great Scottish talents,Andy Symonds and Prasad Prasad coming in 2nd and 3rd. While Deesides teenage running sensation Robbie Simpson coming in fourth. Claire Gordon of HBT won the women's race.
So all in all a great day and although it appears to have some really steep descents which is not really my cup of tea. With a bit of practice, I defenitley want to give it go at some point.
Then for Sunday, I was kind of thinking I may have over done it on the Saturday but I woke up on Sunday and only felt a bit stiff so it was out we go and see how far I get. I did the same as last week and headed towards town then took a different route back round to Pollock Park. Went through Pollock Park and back out towards Bellahouston Park. I forgot the Rangers Hibs game was on so it was busy but I managed to weave my way through the crowds. This time I went past Bella Park and went to Paisley Road West and went right done that till I got to Crookston. Then went up through Crookston to Silverburn to Pollockshaws. 12.6 miles in the bag I stopped at the petrol garage for a drink. This time I bought Lucozade as thats what they give out at Lochaber. I didn't really notice the difference to be honest, and didn't feel any extra boost. But at the same time I could stomach it and had no adverse effects so I'll try it a few more times then I will be happy to take it on board during the race. I then went up through Thornlibank, round the outside of Roukenglen Park then Eastwood toll, Clarkston Toll home. I stopped about 1/4 mile short of home as I had done my 19 miles and decided that was enough! Plus it gave me a longer warm down walk.
In my marathon training last time my highest weekly mileage was 50. This week I did 52! and its February and I still have the whole of March to really hammer it!
For the May and June races, nothing is set in stone yet. For May I would like to do the Kintyre Way relay but depends on the club and whether there doing it and numbers. I wouldn't want to do more than one leg. If not its a bank holiday weekend and the Keswick half is on which would be nice. For June, I have half a thought on July's biggie Clyde Stride. So Yeltholm hill race looks appealing and its early June so thats my June race for now. I am also thinking about my September race. I've done the Great Scottish run 3 times and not too bothered about doing it again so if the club need people for the Comrie hill relay i would do that instead.
Next week as previously mentioned its my race for February - The National Cross country champs at Falkirk which I m looking forward to. So it will be an easier week, which I definetley need after this week!
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