photo by Ian Goudie
A bit of a forced taper this week which can only be a good thing.
Monday I was still feeling the effects of Ben Lomond from the previous Friday. Tuesday I tried to go out for a run but was still feeling it a wee bit so did about a third of a mile and called it a day.
Wednesday I was feeling a lot better so went out for a 4 1/2 miler feeling very comfortable increasing the pace as the run went on.
Then Thursday club night was just awesome! It was my last hard session before the marathon so I wanted to make the most of it. It was 4 times long miles in Roukenglen park, a session I have never done before. The first rep, our group which was about 7 of us was very tight and ran it at 7.12 mile pace. I was last in this rep as they all pushed on towards the end. The second rep, myself and another lady who I have not had the chance to talk to yet were at the front and half way she stepped it up and finished in front. This rep was faster at 6.45 mile pace. The third rep I was really finding my stride and felt like my legs were nice and relaxed. This time without realising I was running even faster and came in at 6.28 mile pace. I was getting a bit concerned that I might have gone too fast here and not have enough for the last rep but I decided I would dig in and try and beat it. Our group was reduced to 3 in the last rep because people were doing Tom Scott 10 miler on the Sunday and also some were tapering (like me, lol) for Lochaber. For the last rep I was out on my own for the whole lap and I was surprised how far ahead I was of the other 2. This session was such a booster going into Lochaber next week as I don't recall ever running a mile that quick never mind doing 2 similar in the last 2 reps of a session!
Friday I had a day off. Saturday I helped out at the park run where this week I was doing timer. I like to try and pitch the perfect game when doing the timer. Which basically means that the number of times I click the timer is in sequence with the number of tokens given out. I have managed the perfect game twice, and was 1 out once. This week I was one out again, which is a bit annoying but still 1 out of 268 is still pretty good going! Then in the afternoon I took advantage of the good weather by going out for a 3 miler. I did the first mile in 9 minutes then 2 after each in 8 minutes which is my hopeful marathon pace.
Then today I went to the club I was surprised that there was a number of people there since Tom Scott 10 miler is on and it is a club championship race for men and women. So our group this week was Steven, Jacqui, Jo and Gordon. We went out and through Pollock Park which was just under 4 miles. Then Jo and Gordon went on and did the 11 miles parks run. While Jacqui, Steven and myself turned back and tried to do 3 times 1 mile reps at 8 minute mile pace. The first mile was 8.02, second was 7.57 and the last which was an uphill mile was 7.47 so pretty much bang on! It is funny that the 3 of us from Giffnock that are doing Lochaber are going for the same pace.
So this time next week I will be 40 minutes into the Lochaber marathon! It is a good time to reflect on my training and plan out next week.
Next week I plan to do some short runs at marathon pace, Tuesday, Wednesday. Then go to the club on Thursday and just do the warm up and warm down and watch the session. Friday day off. Saturday I might do 1 mile easy in the morning. Then it is up on the train, register, stay over, go go go.
Right now I am going for a Sub 3.30 marathon which is 8 minute miling. My half marathon in Alloa last month indicates that this is possible so I'll set out at that pace hopefully and see what happens. I would still be delighted to get under 4 hours as that would be a PB. Even if I get more than 4 hours which will mean I probably ran out of gas or something. I would like to look back on it and have at least given it a shot as I know I can complete the distance now having run 2 out of 2 and I really do think that I am more than capable.
In terms of how the training has gone I am pleased. January I was struggling to do any sort of long runs but finished nicely with a 5k pb. But then February came along and I really started increasing the mileage and had a good solid run at the National Cross Country. March started off amazingly with my highest mileage week ever which included a 15 mile tempo run during the week which was one of the best training runs I have ever done. Also in March was my half marathon PB. Due to shoes running out of gas and not having a replacement in time, cut a few runs short which meant I was averaging between 30 and 40 miles a week. So it kind of feels like I have been winding down for 4 weeks. But I have still got my long runs in and doing them with the club I have found beneficial and really has pushed me. My five longest runs have added up to 100 miles which is about right according to magazines.
So overall it has gone pretty well, so looking forward to it!
Also looks like Kintyre way relay is a go go afterall and the club could have as many as 2 teams this year with one member doing the full thing which is something I am tempted to do in the future.
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