Sunday, 7 November 2010

WHW = West Highland Wollercoaster

Another solid week in the bag.

Monday I was feeling surprisingly good after Sunday's hill run. Usually my legs are aching but I think because of the soft ground my legs didn't take as much of a pounding as they would have. So 4.5 miles nice and easy and felt really springy.

Tuesday was an interesting one. I set out to do a short loop of all the Merries. After a mile warm up, I started on the first one, then the second. When I was going up the third, I thought to myself that I really fancy doing a flat tempo run as I haven't done one in a while. So I set off up the main road and did a 5k tempo run. I felt like I was pushing it and was sure I was doing 7 minute miles. When I got back and looked at my garmin stats to find I was going at 7.41 average pace I was quite surprised but there was a long gradual hill at one point. But even then I thought I was faster but it does show that maybe I don't push myself as hard when I'm by myself. I finished off with a mile warm down making about a 7 mile run.

Wednesday I just did a 4.5 mile loop again.

Then Thursday at the club! WOW! Now there are not many sessions at the club I get nervous about but tonights was definitely one of them! This session really takes everything out of you. The warm up is 1.5 miles with the last half mile being a gradual uphill. I had to make a decision tonight what group to go with as there wasn't really much scope for changing this week. I chose B group and decided no matter what I would stay with them to the end. The session is split into 3. The first is 5 times half mile loops. The first half is downhill, the second half is up with a steep finish. I placed myself at the back and most of the reps took the same pattern. I would by slightly off the pace downhill, then start reeling a few in, on the uphills. I made sure I didn't push it too much on the last steep hill, as there was still a long way to go. For these reps I was averaging between 6.11 and 6.20 pace.

The second part to the session is a quarter mile loop times 5. I thought this is where I would be totally lagging behind. Again the loop started flat, then downhill with an uphill finish. And again I was slightly off pace, flats and downs. Then reeled even more in on the up. This time the first rep was 6.26 pace. But the ones after were 6.04, 6.09, then 5.45 and 5.45 min per mile pace!  The 3rd part to the session is long hills times 5. These are about 1/5th mile. There is a wee up bit followed by flat to about half way. Then there is a steep incline followed by the same steady climb that was in the 1/2 mile loops to finish. I found this was really where I came into my own and was running with the group for the first couple. Then it got spread out because you wouldn't stop at the top or bottom. For these reps I averaged between 6.48 and 6.57 mins per mile pace so very pleasing to get under the 7 minute mile pace for all reps especially the hills. After it everyone shakes hands then gets back to huffing and puffing. Then saunter back to the club to finish off what adds up to a 9 mile session.

Friday I went with Alex on a 2 mile loop in Gogarburn. Not as muddy as last week, but still soft.

Saturday I was planning on doing the park run with Gary and Michael, but slept in. Gary came 10th and Michael 3rd!  I got up feeling a bit rubbish and really struggled round my 4.5 mile loop. I use to have rubbish Saturday runs all the time, are they back again? I wouldn't be surprised though if I hadn't fully recovered from Thursday!

Sunday I took a trip up to Balmaha and ran to Rowerdenan and back on the West Highland Way. I see this as the start of my Highland Fling training and also I had an urge to do some distance again. I have never done this stretch before so didn't really know what to expect. I knew the road was up and down but I don't think I realised just how hilly this stretch would be on the way. This again reiterates my thoughts of the WHW of being like a rollercoaster, it seems to go up and down most of the way. But that is the great thing about it!  I tried to run as much as I could, although there were quite a few hills where I walked. The way out I did it in 1.22.45 and the way back 1.21.43. I did think I was running more of the hills on the way back but maybe not as I definietley wasn't running slower. Overall though I absolutely loved this run, I like forest running at the best of times but when you have views over Loch Lomond too it's just awesome. My pacing averaged out at 10.35 pace. It may seem a bit early to be thinking about pacing for the fling but the time limit for senior males is 13 hours, which equates to just over 4 miles an -hour. This is more than do-able but my pacing really has to be spot on.

Next month signals that start of Marcothon which is an event devised by the Consani clan. Basically the challenge is to run everyday in December, a minimum of 3 miles or 25 minutes which ever comes first.  I've decided to try and do this in November as a trial and so far so good. I've decided to ignore the 3 mile bit as Friday's with all that's going on at the moment, I can get out for a run but would be pushing it to do 3 miles. So as long as I get out every day and average at least 3 miles that will be fine with me. Whether I have to change it to my own event like Stueython as I don't meet the criteria to Marcothon will have to wait and see, haha!

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