Monday, 24 January 2011

Catch up - Running and skiing

Couple of weeks to catch up on

The first week I probably had one of the best weeks of training and really surprised myself . On Monday I had a rest day.

Tuesday I went to what I think is the hardest Merry. I took it easy for the first couple of reps then started increasing the pace and by the end of it I was sprinting up it. What I thought was a steep hill now it seems a lot less daunting.

Wednesday I can't really remember much about the run but did 4.7 miles.

Thursday I went to the club which I thought I wasn't going to make because my train was cancelled and had to get the bus home but I still made it. I'm glad I did as I had a great session. I went with the B group which only had 4 of us. I managed to keep up for 4 reps and was delighted to get them under 4 minutes. That was enough for me and for the last rep I just cruised round with the back of the C group.

Friday I did a run round Gogarburn with Alex which was great.

Saturday I was on the WHW with Sue, Ann and Mandy. I had a great time. We headed off from Auchentyre towards Crainlarich. It was really icey under foot and it was slow going out. Some bits were runnable but others were we just went on the snow on the side. We got to a river though which looked wild so we decided the best option would be to turn back and head towards bridge of orchy. At which time we put on our spikes and found it a lot easier to run back. I even found that spikes were fine on the trails which weren't icy. Lesson Learned! Once we got back to the road crossing we took off our spikes and went to Tyndrum. We jogged off for a bit then Mandy and I turned back as Mandy wanted a shorter run and I didn't want to burn myself out before the holiday. So Ann and Sue went off to Inveronan and back to Tyndrum where Mandy and I met them at the Real Food cafe.

So a fun day out. Sunday was off to France, skiing. The first half of the week was great and loved the skiing. The second half of the week I began to feel mentally worn out to the point I burst into tears on the slope.  Sometimes I just think too much. This doesn't happen often, but when it does I really do need my friends and family to come through which they are doing with flying colours. I'm off work at the moment trying to recouperate but I hope to be back as soon as possible.


NORRY said...

Hi Stuart

That wasnt yourself that we passed, heading back from crainlarich due to the in spate river was it? there was around 6 of us when we chatted to you?


Stuart said...

Yeah it was, sorry had no idea it was you. How was your run? did you get to Beinglass?

NORRY said...

Aye we made it but had some scares with ice and flooding lol took some pictures and theres a report on my blog,

Well it was nice to bump into Stu and hope to meet you on trail again...

Safe Runnings