Wednesday, 23 February 2011

Back on track!

Literally and metaphorically :-)

The last few days I am happy to report have been up days. On Tuesday, I was at home all day doing some articles for the work newsletter. Then I went to the track at night. It was great.  We did pyramids of 200, 300, 400, 500, 400, 300, 200 meters. Then did it all again. I really pushed it and it was a really good session. Even more pleasing was that my sister-in-law went to the track for the first time and enjoyed it.

Today I had a great day at work.

I'd like to say a big congratulations to JK for winning the 'Top Motivator Award' by the Evening Times which is Glasgow paper. Tonight proved to me that its not just kids he motivates. After reading his latest post on the train home about how he did 10 miles today. It put the figure in my head and motivated me to do 10 miles (cheers John!). So I racked my brain thinking of a route and went all the way back to my Lochaber training last year where I sometimes did a mid week 10.7/8 mile loop. So I did that tonight and took it nice and easy. I feel a lot better for it too!

Looking forward to another action packed day tomorrow.

Here is my track of the moment - love the play on the word 'stranger'


The Jimmi Henshite Experiences said...
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The Jimmi Henshite Experiences said...

Good to hear you sounding so 'up' Stuart. Long may it continue!
Keep looking after yourself and enjoying your training.
(typos removed)

25 February 2011 03

Stuart said...

Cheers Ian :-) Hope you're good!